Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
Criterion 1.1. Objectives and learning outcomes of a degree programme
[1.1.01] Circular No. 22/2017/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the regulation on conditions, process and procedures for offering academic disci­plines, suspending admissions and withdraw­ing the decision to offer academic disciplines at undergraduate degree MOET
[1.1.02] Circular No. 07/2015/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the regulation on minimum amount of knowledge, required capacity of graduates at each training level of higher education and procedures for establishment, appraisal and issuance of academic program at undergrad­uate, master and doctoral degrees MOET
[1.1.03] The plan for developing/reviewing, adjusting the degree programme of IT Engineer’s de­gree in 2016, 2018, 2020, which specifies work assignments of each official and lecturer. FIT
[1.1.04] Document presenting the statement of VLUTE for the vision VLUTE
[1.1.05] Document presenting the statement of VLUTE for the mission VLUTE
[1.1.06] Document presenting the statement of VLUTE for the core values VLUTE
[1.1.07] IT Engineer’s Degree Curricula (in 2016, 2018, and 2020) FIT
[1.1.08] Law on Higher Education MOET
[1.1.09] Official Dispatch No. 2196/ BGDDT-GDDH promulgating the instruction of the develop­ment and publication of the learning out­comes of the degree programme MOET
[1.1.10] Minutes of checking actual conditions FIT
[1.1.11] Evidences of equipment of FIT FIT
[1.1.12] The plan for surveying in order to iden­tify the human resource needs in accor­dance with qualification and academic dis­cipline; surveying for human resource needs according to qualification and academic dis­cipline /specification; surveying the require­ments of employers for graduates of the de­gree programme combined with the mini­mum amount of knowledge and graduate’s capability. FIT
[1.1.13] The survey forms to collect opinions of stake­holders FIT
[1.1.14] The results of surveying in order to iden­tify the human resource needs in accor­dance with qualification and academic dis­cipline; surveying for human resource needs according to qualification and academic dis- cipline/specification; surveying the require­ments of employers for graduates of the de­gree programme combined with the mini­mum amount of knowledge and graduate’s capability. FIT
[1.1.15] Official Dispatch No. 2435/ BGDDT-GDDH of The Ministry of Education and Training promulgate the review of the learning out­comes and compilation of the teaching cur­riculum MOET
[1.1.16] The comparison results between the degree programme in IT of VLUTE and the ones of the different universities at home and abroad (Engineer’s Degree, and Master’s Degree) FIT
[1.1.17] Report of the student’s employments DSA
[1.1.18] Academic Management System FIT, VLUTE
[1.1.19] Academic transcript FIT VLUTE
[1.1.20] IT Master’s Degree curricula FIT
[1.1.21] Decision to promulgate the IT Master’s De­gree Programme VLUTE
[1.1.22] Postgraduate Academic Management Sys­tem: FIT, VLUTE
Criterion 1.2. Name of the degree programme
[1.2.01] Circular No. 24/2017/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the listed level-IV category of higher education MOET
[1.2.02] FIT’s Competency Dossier FIT
[1.2.03] Circular No. 27/2019/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the regulation on the main informa­tion written on diplomas and diploma sup­plementations at the undergraduate level MOET
[1.2.04] Circular No. 25/2017/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the listed level-IV category of the ed­ucation and training at Master’s and PhD’s degrees MOET
Criterion 1.3. Curriculum
[1.3.01] Circular No. 08/2011/TT-BGDDT dated on February 17, 2011 promulgating the regula­tion on conditions, process and procedures for offering academic disciplines, suspending admissions and withdrawing the decision to offer academic disciplines at the undergrad­uate degree, and college degree MOET
[1.3.02] The process of Engineer’s Degree Programme development over the years FIT VLUTE
[1.3.03] The matrix of the learning outcomes FIT
[1.3.04] Sponsorship programs from employers FIT
[1.3.05] The modernity and advanced technology are reflected in including intensive courses such as Big Data Processing, Semantic Web, Data Mining and Computer Network FIT
Criterion 1.4 Admission requirements
[1.4.01] Decision to establish the Admission Council of VLUTE every year in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.02] The assignment of the responsibilities to the members of the Admission Council every year in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.03] The annual documents of the Ministry of Ed­ucation and Training on admissions in the period 2016-2021 MOET
[1.4.04] Database and statistical data related to the admission results of VLUTE VLUTE
[1.4.05] Relevant results from summarizing opinions of the departments/faculties for the annual admissions and enrollment of VLUTE in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.06] The meeting minutes recording the devel­opment of the annual Admission Scheme of VLUTE in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.07] The annual Admission Scheme of VLUTE in the period 2016-2021 (clearly illustrating the admission policies). VLUTE
[1.4.08] Official Dispatch submitting the annual Ad­mission Scheme of VLUTE to the Ministry of Education and Training in the period 2016­2021. MOET
[1.4.09] The admission portal of the Min­istry of Education and Training: MOET
[1.4.10] VLUTE’s website: FIT
[1.4.11] The strategic plan to develop VLUTE for the period 2015-2020, the vision to 2030 (in­cluding requirements and activities on ad­missions) VLUTE
[1.4.12] The mid-term plan of VLUTE for the peri­ods 2015-2017, and 2018-2020 (including the admissions) VLUTE
[1.4.13] The plan of VLUTE for each academic year in the period 2016-2021 (including the ad­missions) VLUTE
[1.4.14] The annual admission plan of VLUTE every year in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.15] Document on guidelines and policies of the Party Committee and the Board of Rectors of VLUTE on admissions every year in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.16] The annual admission results in the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[1.4.17] Admission consulting plans FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.18] Pictures of experiential activities of teachers and students at enrollment counseling ses­sions FIT
[1.4.19] Pictures of Q&A activities at enrollment counseling sessions FIT
[1.4.20] The image of the Rector participating in en­rollment counseling on Vinh Long TV FIT
[1.4.21] Pictures of activities at the Admissions Counseling Center FIT
[1.4.22] Summary of aggregated data to improve and adjust admission strategies and policies every year in line with the analyzed admission and enrollment results for the period 2016-2021 FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.23] Summary report for each academic year in the period 2016 – 2021 (including assessment of enrollment and enrollment improvement every year). FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.24] Plan to receive enrollment applications of students FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.25] Regulations issued by the VLUTE Board of Rectors on the use of analysis results to ad­just guidelines and policies related to admis­sion and enrollment VLUTE
[1.4.26] Documents assigning responsibilities of affil­iated facticuties in using analysis results to adjust enrollment guidelines and policies ev­ery year in the period 2016 – 2021 VLUTE
[1.4.27] Decisions to confirm the student’s matricu­lation to the degree of Engineer VLUTE
[1.4.28] Decision to confirm the student’s matricula­tion to technical pedagogical system VLUTE
[1.4.29] Information related to the training organi­zation to supplement student’s input knowl­edge (Master’ Degree) FIT
[1.4.30] Annual Master’s Degree Admission Councils FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.31] Annual plans for the master’s level entrance examination FIT, VLUTE
[1.4.32] Decisions to confirm the student’s matricu­lation to the degree of Master VLUTE
Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
Criterion 2.1. Structure
[2.1.01] Decision No. 790/QĐ-BGDĐT on offering a academic discipline at the university degree MOET
[2.1.02] Decision No. 1982/QĐ-TTg on the ap­proval of the Vietnam National Qualifica­tions Framework MOET
[2.1.03] University council resolution on offering a academic discipline VLUTE
[2.1.04] Assign tasks to members to develop offering a academic discipline FIT
[2.1.05] Minutes of the meeting to approve the project for offering a academic discipline (draft) VLUTE
[2.1.06] Scheme offering a academic discipline (draft) FIT
[2.1.07] Minutes of the meeting to approve the project for offering a academic discipline VLUTE
[2.1.08] Dossier offering a academic discipline VLUTE
[2.1.09] Learning outcomes FIT
[2.1.10] Decision No. 52b/QĐ-VLUTE-ĐT on the promulgation of on the promulgation of out­put standards for university-level training programs for Engineer’s Degree programme VLUTE
[2.1.11] Minutes of the meeting to agree to update the contents of the curriculum, course syl­labus VFIT
[2.1.12] Minutes of the Scientific Council approved the curricula VLUTE
[2.1.13] Match Matrix FIT
[2.1.14] fit’s website FIT
[2.1.15] Training progress trees FIT
[2.1.16] Decision No. 863 promulgating regulations on the “2+2” academic programme of IT Engineer’s degree in charge of our FIT – the joint-training program between VLUTE and TONGMYONG UNIVERSITY (TU) – South Korea VLUTE
[2.1.17] Decision No. 1665/QD-TTg on the approval of the project “supporting learners to start­up by 2025” VLUTE
[2.1.18] Core data on course changes in the curricu­lum (2016, 2018, and 2020) FIT
[2.1.19] Statistics of course evaluation forms FIT
[2.1.20] Regulations on the university and college education using academic credit system of VLUTE VLUTE
[2.1.21] Minutes of the meeting VLUTE
[2.1.22] Resolution of the University Board VLUTE
[2.1.23] Teaching records of VLUTE FIT
[2.1.24] Regulations on teaching records of VLUTE VLUTE
[2.1.25] Elearning System: FIT
[2.1.26] Digital library VLUTE
[2.1.27] Regulations on training Master’s degree of VLUTE VLUTE
[2.1.28] Circular No. 09/2017/TT-BGDDT promul­gating the conditions, process and proce­dures for offering disciplines or specializing in training disciplines, suspending admissions and withdrawing the decision to offer disci­plines or training disciplines at Master’s and PhD’s degree MOET
Criterion 2.2. Study Load, Credits
[2.2.01] Decision No. 43/2007/QĐ-BGD&ĐT pro­mulgating the regulation on training univer­sity and college under the credit system MOET
[2.2.02] The actual situation of the professional equipment leading to the practice learning having a different learning time from the the­ory VLUTE
[2.2.03] Decision No. 167/QĐ-VLUTE-ĐT promul­gating the digital transformation project in online training VLUTE
Criterion 2.3. Methods
[2.3.01] Decisions on promulgating regulations on or­ganization of evaluation of digital learning materials VLUTE
[2.3.02] Sample videos of digital learning resources FIT
[2.3.03] Student progress statistics FIT
[2.3.04] The scientific conference to improve the qual­ity of STEAM education in Vinh Long mid­dle and high schools in 2021 was published in the VLUTE’s Scientific Information Bulletin VLUTE
[2.3.05] STEAM STEAM
Critetion 2.4. Assistance
[2.4.01] Decision on assigning Academic Advisors for IT classes VLUTE
[2.4.02] Minutes of class meetings of Academic Advi­sors FIT
[2.4.03] Minutes of class meetings of Student Man­agers DSA
[2.4.04] Summary of the moral training results of FIT students every semester VLUTE
[2.4.05] Images of the letter sent to home DSA
[2.4.06] Regulations on rewards and scholarships VLUTE
[2.4.07] Evidences of study promotion scholarships VLUTE
[2.4.08] Decision on establishing the startup incuba­tor VLUTE
[2.4.09] Decision on establishing the business rela­tions and support department VLUTE
[2.4.10] Duties of CPTPD’s members VLUTE
Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
[3.1.01] Statistics of student attendance on the Schedule Management System FIT
[3.1.02] Images illustrating for the storage of the mid­semester evaluation FIT
[3.1.03] Documents on organizing the common final examinations DAA DTEQA FIT
The exam plans
– Decision on establishing the examination committees
– The exam schedules
– The assignment for exam supervising
Documents related to peeling, copying, and sealing the bags of exam questions
Sample exam questions (ensuring to be able to assess the intended learning outcomes reg­ulated in the course syllabuses)
[3.1.04] Decision No. 80/QĐ-VLUTE-KT promul­gating regulations on the organization of the final examination VLUTE
[3.1.05] Statistical data on student’s scores for the final examination (online test) DTEQA
[3.1.06] Regulation on compiling, reviewing, and sup­plementing question banks VLUTE
[3.1.07] Documents related to evaluating the writing tests, course projects, and essays: FIT
Faculties’/ Centers’ assignment for exam evaluating
Answers/Grading Scale (approved by FIT)
Documents on marking the writing tests (implemented by DTEQA)
[3.1.08] The list of course projects/essays (approved by FIT) FIT
[3.1.09] Online directory for student’s graded course projects, essays, the practice tests FIT
[3.1.10] Notices of teaching staff on requiring stu­dents to review and give feedback for the pro­cess assessment and the mid-term evaluation (images of mails/post) FIT
[3.1.11] Regulation on reviewing and resolving score complaints VLUTE
[3.1.12] Images of the communication portal of aca­demic affairs VLUTE
[3.1.13] Decision No. 51/QĐ-VLUTE-ĐT on condi­tion to do graduation projects and theses; graduation instruction and graduate thesis defense for undergraduate students VLUTE
[3.1.14] FIT’s proposal for graduation project top­ics and the respective instructors (Engineer’s Degree) FIT
[3.1.15] Decision on assigning graduation projects topics and the respective instructors (Engi­neer’s Degree) VLUTE
[3.1.16] instructor’s confirmation for graduation project defense (Engineer’s Degree) FIT
[3.1.17] FIT’s proposal to nominate the graduation project evaluation board (Engineer’s Degree) FIT
[3.1.18] Decision on the establishment of the grad­uation project evaluation board (Engineer’s Degree) VLUTE
[3.1.19] Regulation on registering and assessing the graduation internship (Engineer’s Degree) VLUTE
[3.1.20] Decision No. 66/QĐ-SPKTVL-TTTH on as­sessing the results of students participating in the examination of testing professional practice skills VLUTE
[3.1.21] Diagram of technical pedagogical training progress of Faculty of Technology Pedagogy, Society and Humanities FTPSH
[3.1.22] Plans for the organization of the final exam­ination (Master’s Degree) CPTPD
[3.1.23] Documents related to the organization of the final examination (Master’s Degree) CPTPD DTEQA
[3.1.24] Graduation thesis outline template (Master’s Degree) VLUTE
[3.1.25] Documents on the appraisement of the grad­uation thesis outline (Master’s Degree) CPTPD, FIT
[3.1.26] Documents on the graduation thesis defense application (Master’s Degree) CPTPD, FIT
[3.1.27] Documents on the evaluation of the gradua­tion thesis (Master’s Degree) CPTPD, FIT
[3.1.28] Documents on the adjustment of the gradu­ation thesis which has not passed (Master’s Degree) CPTPD, FIT
Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
Criterion 4.1. Staff
[4.1.01] FIT’s plan to develop the staff in the period of 2016 – 2021 FIT
[4.1.02] Structure of age, gender, professional qualifi­cations of teaching staff and research teams (Circulars No. 06/2018/TT-BGDDT) MOET
[4.1.03] Scientific CV of fit’s teaching staff FIT
[4.1.04] Documents regulating the ratio between lec­turers and students according to the Regula­tions of the Ministry of Education and Train­ing (Circulars No. 06/2018/TT-BGDDT) MOET
[4.1.05] Data of scientific research and publishing DSMIC
[4.1.06] Annual statistics on scientific research and community service by teachers and research teams DSMIC
[4.1.07] Achievements in the MOS – Microsoft Office Specialist competitions MOS
[4.1.08] Achievements in the Tran Dai Nghia Techni­cal Innovation Contest PCVL
[4.1.09] Vietnam Yellow Book of Innovation 2020 VFF
[4.1.10] Ministerial scientific research topic about E­learning system MOLISA
[4.1.11] Certificate of achievement in the WorldSkills VietNam/ WorldSkills Asean WorldSkills
[4.1.12] Invitation or email or official dispatch to par­ticipate as the judge of WorldSkills VietNam GDVE WorldSkills
[4.1.13] Documents and data related to the staff re­cruitment of VLUTE in the period 2016 – 2021 DHA
[4.1.14] Decision on the establishment of the profes­sional departments. FIT
[4.1.15] Registration of training and retraining needs of FIT members FIT
[4.1.16] Statistical data on teacher/student ratio, teaching resources and working time (serv­ing students) DAA
[4.1.17] Regulations on working regimes of teaching staff DAA
[4.1.18] Semester teaching plans DAA
[4.1.19] Declaration of professional workload FIT
[4.1.20] Regulations on emulation and commenda­tion VLUTE
[4.1.21] Documents and regulations on evaluation and classification of the quality of civil ser­vants, officials and employees (promulgated by the Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids and So­cial Affairs, VLUTE) MOET MOLISA VLUTE
[4.1.22] Survey on students’ satisfaction with teach­ing activities and teaching methods of lectur­ers. FIT
[4.1.23] Decision promulgating the Regulation on col­lecting feedback for teaching activities of lec­turers. DTEQA
Criterion 4.2 Staff development
[4.2.01] The plans for developing professional exper­tise and succession teams (Plan for training, retraining and training for managers, lecturers and employees for each school year) VLUTE
[4.2.02] Documents and data related to survey of the training/ professional retraining needs of staff/ research teams in the period 2016-2021 (TCHC) DHA
[4.2.03] Cooperation documents signed with domes­tic and foreign facilities support units DSMIC
[4.2.04] Decision on applying study abroad (in France) under Vietnamese government schol­arship in line with project 911. DHA
[4.2.05] Scholarship of KoreaTech University (Korea) granted for FIT lecturers to participate in the capacity building course for vocational teachers in ASEAN KoreaTech
[4.2.06] Documents related to the participation in training, retraining and transfer of vocational training programs in Information Technology (software application), Graphic design and Software application in Australia FIT
[4.2.07] Scholarship of the Erasmus + MIC exchange program Erasmus MIC
[4.2.08] Internal spending rules (including the funds for study/ training of lecturers) Document of the annual Offical’s Confer­ences. DHA
[4.2.09] Decision to apply lecturers to study/ work DHA
[4.2.10] The statistics of organization/ list of staff participating the short-term training courses DSMIC
[4.2.11] Data related to teaching festivals DAA FIT
[4.2.12] Data related to the FIT meetings for teach­ing festivals FIT
Criterion 4.3 Funds and equipment
[4.3.01] Diagram illustrating the system of working rooms, classrooms, function rooms VLUTE
[4.3.02] Documents related to the annual inventory of IT equipment and infrastructure VLUTE
[4.3.03] Minutes of the briefing meeting with the content of assigning FIT and the Faculty of Electrical-Electronics Engineering Tech­nology to maintain computers and air­conditioners. DHA
[4.3.04] Documents related to the proposal on the needs of facilities and equipment of the de- partments/ faculties/ centers of VLUTE in general and FIT in particular in the period 2016-2021 DFM FIT [1.1.11]
[4.3.05] Document assigning members to update and store information of FIT FIT
[4.3.06] Activity log and device usage status FIT
[4.3.07] Images of online multi-choice test software, scientific management system, dispatch man­agement system, schedule management sys­tem, e-learning system, facial recognition system and equipment management system FIT
[4.3.08] fit’s assignment on lab managers in the pe­riod 2016-2020 FIT
[4.3.09] Documents and Images related to virtual labs with cloud computing technology FIT
[4.3.10] The plan to implement the storage system, SAN 2019 VLUTE
[4.3.11] The contract of academic management sys­tem VLUTE
[4.3.12] Examination management system VLUTE
[4.3.13] Statistics of books serving for IT education LC
[4.3.14] Syllabuses of all courses in IT Engineer’s De­gree Programme (in 2016, 2018, and 2020) FIT
[4.3.15] A repository of documents fostering polit­ical and ideological qualifications, meeting the needs of history, culture and entertain­ment LICC
[4.3.16] The contract of digital library VLUTE
[4.3.17] Library management system VLUTE
[4.3.18] The contract of accounting software VLUTE
[4.3.19] The minutes on asset inventory over the years VLUTE
[4.3.20] The target program for the period from 2016 to 2021 VLUTE
[4.3.21] Cooperation documents signed with do­mestic and foreign facilities support units (VinGroup, VNPT, NSP, Memo­randum of Understanding with Universi- ties/Colleges/professional secondary schools, VCOM-TQ, Information and communication department of Vinh Long province, FPT, Marseille University (France), Tongmyong (Korea)) VinGroup VNPT NSP VCOM-TQ DIC FPT Aix-Marseille KoreaTech Tongmyong
[4.3.22] The survey forms to collect opinions of of­ficials, teachers, employees and students of VLUTE on the use of IT equipment and in­frastructure such as computers network sys­tems, backup systems, security and access rights over the years in the period 2016-2021 FIT
[4.3.23] Data of opinions of officials, teachers, em­ployees and students of VLUTE on IT equip­ment and infrastructure such as computers network systems, backup systems, security and access rights over the years in the pe­riod 2016-2021 FIT
[4.3.24] Documents and Data related to the opinion and the satisfaction of students for facilities, IT equipment, IT infrastructure at VLUTE such as network system, backup/recovery system, security and access rights. FIT
Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
Criterion 5.1. Course descriptions
[5.1.01] Plans for developing/reviewing, adjusting the IT Master’s Degree Curricula in 2017 and 2019. VLUTE, FIT
[5.1.02] VLUTE’s plans for compiling/reviewing, ad­justing curricula/ course syllabuses VLUTE
[5.1.03] Feedbacks of stakeholders for the content and the quality of courses FIT
[5.1.04] Minutes of the meetings related to the review of course syllabuses FIT
[5.1.05] Documents on the review of course syllabuses FIT
[5.1.06] Proposal to update course syllabuses accord­ing the 2018 template FIT
[5.1.07] Proposal to update course syllabuses accord­ing the 2020 template FIT
Criterion 5.2. Diploma and Diploma Supplement
[5.2.01] Notices of DAA related to receiving the stu­dent’s “Graduation Application” DAA
[5.2.02] The template of student’s “Graduation Ap­plication” DAA
[5.2.03] Fanpage of DAA on facebook DAA
[5.2.04] Notices of DAA related to organizing the graduation ceremony DAA
[5.2.05] Sample undergraduate degrees/Master’s diplomas/diploma supplements DAA
[5.2.06] Sample degrees of the graduates in 2018, 2019, and 2020 (Engineer’s Degree) DAA
[5.2.07] Sample academic transcripts of the gradu­ates in 2018, 2019, and 2020 Engineer’s De­gree) DAA
[5.2.08] Sample degrees of the Master’s graduates in 2020 (Master’s Degree) DAA
[5.2.09] Sample academic transcript of the Master’s graduates in 2020 (Master’s Degree) DAA
[5.2.10] Student Handbook VLUTE
[5.2.11] Documents on organizing the examination of professional practice skills REP
[5.2.12] The evaluation modules of the examination of professional practice skills and the respec­tive exam questions FIT
[5.2.13] Circular No. 19/2015/TT-BGDĐT MOET
[5.2.14] Circular No. 21/2019/TT-BGDĐT MOET
[5.2.15] Regulation on the management of diplo- mas/degrees and diploma/degree templates DAA
[5.2.16] Process of reviewing to regrant de- grees/diplomas/certificates with the in­correct information DAA
Criterion 5.3. Relevant rules
[5.3.01] Instructions to support and counsel for bank loans DSA
[5.3.02] University Charter MOET
[5.3.03] Notices on objects/application for tuition fee exemption and reduction DSA
[5.3.04] Instructions for considering scholarships to encourage learning for students DSA
[5.3.05] List of students receiving social assistance DSA
[5.3.06] Code of conduct of officers, lecturers and em­ployees VLUTE
[5.3.07] Plans for the welcome session DSA
[5.3.08] Class meeting minutes of AAs FIT
[5.3.09] Educational Regulations for international students at VLUTE DSMIC
[5.3.10] Plans for face-to-face meetings and conversa­tions between the Board of Management and students DSA
[5.3.11] Plans for adjusting the regulations on the university and college education using aca­demic credit system of VLUTE VLUTE
[5.3.12] Particular regulations for students of FIT FIT
[5.3.13] Plans/Notices for doing the scientific re­search periodically throughout VLUTE DSMIC
[5.3.14] Plans for the scientific conferences at the fac­ulty level FIT
[5.3.15] List of topics presented in conferences DSMIC
[5.3.16] Minutes/result evaluation of the annual con­ferences DSMIC
[5.3.17] Financial income/expenditure data for learn­ers’ scientific research activities from 2016 to 2020 DSMIC
[5.3.18] Awarding decisions of FIT for scientific re­search projects suitable to the context, goals, vision and mission of VLUTE FIT
[5.3.19] School plans in 2016 – 2017, 2017 – 2018, 2018 – 2019, 2019 – 2020, and 2020 – 2021 VLUTE
[5.3.20] Work program of HoChiMinh Communist Youth Union and youth movement for the school year 2016 – 2017, 2017 – 2018, 2018 – 2019, 2019 – 2020, and 2020 – 2021 HCMCYU
[5.3.21] Work program of Vietnamese Students’ As­sociation and student movement for the school year 2016 – 2017, 2017 – 2018, 2018 – 2019, 2019 – 2020, and 2020 – 2021 SA
[5.3.22] Decision on the establishment of “Informa­tion Department – Club Media and Events” DSA
[5.3.23] Decision on the establishment of “Robotical club” DSA
[5.3.24] Decision on the establishment of “Japanese club” DSA
[5.3.25] Decision on the establishment of “club for dance and modern dance of VLUTE” DSA
[5.3.26] Decision on the establishment of “Social Work Volunteer Team” DSA
[5.3.27] Plans for Blood donation HCMCYU
[5.3.28] Plans for Green Summer HCMCYU
[5.3.29] Plans for Exam season support HCMCYU
[5.3.30] Plans for Admission counseling HCMCYU
[5.3.31] Plans for Pink holiday HCMCYU
[5.3.32] Plans for Source campaign HCMCYU
[5.3.33] Plans for Journey to red addresses HCMCYU
[5.3.34] Plans for Blooming poles HCMCYU
[5.3.35] Plans for Manhole cover talking HCMCYU
[5.3.36] Plans for Green area of hope HCMCYU
[5.3.37] Regulations on functions, duties, rights, or­ganization of Departments/ Faculties/ Cen­ters of VLUTE (REP center) VLUTE
[5.3.38] List of students taking internships at compa­nies and businesses. FIT
[5.3.39] List of students working at companies and businesses. FIT
[5.3.40] Minutes confirming the sponsorship of enter­prises supporting talent development for stu­dents of FIT FIT
[5.3.41] Plans for the annual officials’ conferences VLUTE
Reference code Title/Brief Provided Notes
[6.1.01] The Circular stipulates the quality assurance system of vocational education institutions. MOET
[6.1.02] Personnel list Establishment decision of DTEQA; VLUTE
[6.1.03] The decision prescribes functions and tasks related to testing and quality assurance. VLUTE
[6.1.04] Description and assignment of responsibili­ties to members of DTEQA. VLUTE
[6.1.05] Diagram of the internal quality assurance system of VLUTE. VLUTE
[6.1.06] The division of responsibilities in the Board of Rectors VLUTE. VLUTE
[6.1.07] Decision to establish the Quality Assurance Council VLUTE. VLUTE
[6.1.08] Regulations on organization and operation of VLUTE University-level Quality Assur­ance Council; Minutes of the meeting of the University-level Quality Assurance Council of VLUTE VLUTE
[6.1.09] Document to apply quality management sys­tem ISO 9001:2008; 9001:2015 of VLUTE VLUTE
[6.1.10] Document to apply quality management sys­tem ISO 9001:2008; 9001:2015 of VLUTE VLUTE
[6.1.11] Website (Notifica­tion of regulations and plans on quality as­surance work) VLUTE
[6.1.12] Circular No. 12/2017/TT-BGD&ĐT MOET
[6.1.13] Circular No. 04/2016/TT-BGD&ĐT MOET
[6.1.14] VLUTE’s decision to establish the Faculty Quality Assurance Team; Regulations on or­ganization and operation of VLUTE’s Fac­ulty Quality Assurance Team VLUTE, FIT
[6.1.15] Certificate of Accreditation of FIT Teachers FIT
[6.1.16] List of software being applied at the FIT and VLUTE VLUTE, FIT
[6.1.17] Schedule Management System: VLUTE
[6.1.18] Regulations on quality assurance activities of VLUTE VLUTE
[6.1.19] VLUTE’s education quality assurance plan for the period 2016-2021 VLUTE
[6.1.20] Announcement of the annual educational quality assurance plan of VLUTE in the pe­riod 2016-2021 to the entire VLUTE staff, teachers and employees VLUTE
[6.1.21] The meeting plan between the Board of Rec­tors and the whole VLUTE staff, teachers, employees VLUTE
[6.1.22] The educational quality assurance plans for each school year sent to the affiliated units of VLUTE to disseminate to staff, teachers and employees VLUTE
[6.1.23] Implement the education quality assurance plan in the monthly briefing VLUTE
[6.1.24] Self-assessment report of VLUTE from 2016 to 2021. VLUTE
[6.1.25] Training cooperation with Skills Interna­tional for IT Engineer degrees VLUTE, FIT
[6.1.26] Job fair plan VLUTE
[6.1.27] Student production internship plan VLUTE, FIT
[6.1.28] Memorandum of Understanding with Kore- aTech VLUTE
[6.1.29] Student exchange program with KoreaTech VLUTE
[6.1.30] Action plan on gender equality of the educa­tion sector for the period 2016-2020 VLUTE
[6.1.31] Legal documents related to ethnic affairs VLUTE
[6.1.32] Notice of comments on Regulations on qual­ity assurance activities of VLUTE VLUTE
[6.1.33] Plans and documents to review the quality assurance process over the years VLUTE
[6.1.34] Online survey website: FIT
[6.1.35] Website for multiple-choice exams: VLUTE
[6.1.36] Strategic plan to ensure the quality assur­ance of VLUTE education for the period 2015-2020, vision to 2030 VLUTE
[6.1.37] The DTEQA sends the document of the VLUTE quality assurance work plan for the period of 2015-2020, with a vision to 2030, to affiliated facticuties. VLUTE